Ask a Bad Girl: How do independent sex workers find clients?

Cherry Soda
11 min readMay 2, 2017

Cherry Soda, Independent Escort. Pro/Am Porn Star. Air Force Veteran. All-around bad girl.

There are actually a number of different avenues which an independent sex worker can use to promote both herself and her services. Only about ten years ago, most sex workers were dependent on advertising in the ‘Adult Services’ section of their local newspaper classifieds.

This was quite a bit more expensive than today’s many online advertising options. It was also very inconvenient for any sex worker who had insufficient credit to obtain a credit card, as they had to physically go into the newspaper’s sales office to pay for their advertisements. Having to physically go to the newspaper raised a further problem… A complete lack of anonymity. Everyone in the sales office, as well as anyone they chose to tell, knew what you did for work. This must have been very demeaning for many sex workers, and was in no way an ideal situation.

Thankfully, there is no longer a need to tell the world you’re a sex worker, every time you want to advertise. As I mentioned, there are now thousands of options available right on your computer, or phone. If you have access to the Internet, you can choose between an almost endless list of both free and paid advertising options.

On the paid end of things, one option are the online classified sites. At least in my vicinity, the largest of these is backpage. No one really likes advertising with them, as they have been…



Cherry Soda

Explorer. Filmmaker. Techno-geek. Sex Goddess. Crazy Cat Lady. Whore. Saviour of Mankind.