Cherry SodaI’ve read many of your articles; you are a very good writer.One thing that I have yet to read about from you, though, is how your daughter reacted when you apologized to her. It had to have been very…Jan 22, 20203Jan 22, 20203
Cherry SodaLet me expand a bit here.Legalization would mean the regulation of when and where and whom can participate in the sex trade.Nov 3, 2020Nov 3, 2020
Cherry SodaI remember realizing that the way families treated each other on tv and in movies was not…I felt so betrayed. I still feel betrayed. When sit-com family love was as real as the seven dwarves, it was no big deal to not miss what I…Aug 28, 20211Aug 28, 20211
Cherry SodaWhat the crap did I just read?Super not okay to catfish men so you can make fun of them (for profit, no less!)Mar 22, 20212Mar 22, 20212
Cherry SodaOh, ffs, open your eyes.You also have novelty on your side. The man has no idea what to do when you don’t respond as expected. What do you think would happen if…Jun 24, 2021Jun 24, 2021